Etusivu » Tapahtumat » WASCON 2018 -Conference, Tampere

WASCON 2018 -Conference, Tampere

23.10.2017 |

No Cradle, No Grave – Circular Economy into Practice – WASCON 2018

10th International Conference on the Environmental and Technical Implications of Construction with Alternative Materials

June 6-8, 2018 Tampere, Finland


Abstract submission is open UNTIL 20 NOVEMBER, 2017!


The 10th WASCON will show both the state of the art and future developments of circular economy in the field of built environment. In addition to fulfilling the most rigorous scientific standards in its academic track, the conference will also showcase hands-on industrial solutions from air to earth. Have a look at the variety of themes at website!


There is also a possibility to organize your own workshops without any special fee. It could be targeted for your interest group and it will be open for all conference participants.


Exhibition and sponsorship opportunities available! Book now to secure the best location in the conference venue.