Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering
Prof. Sonja Zlatović, Civ.Eng., D.EngA
Visiting lecturer fromZagreb University of Applied Sciences
- Thursday 28th at 8:15am –12am
- Friday 29th 8:15 – 11 am
- Place: Sepänkatu 1 (Turku AMK), Monitori B21, 2nd floor
- Contact information and registration: Liisa Larkela, liisa.Larkela@turkuamk.fi, p. 040 355 0820
- Free of charge
Content of lectures:
- Nature of earthquakes: Are earthquakes significant? Why earthquakes happen? Predictions
- Effects of earthquakes and what we can do to prevent unwished outcomes: liquefaction, wave amplification, soil-structure interaction, laboratory and in-situ testing, solutions
- Seismic building design: common mistakes and basic rules