Etusivu » Tapahtumat » Postponed: Geotechnical excursion to the Netherlands May 2021

Postponed: Geotechnical excursion to the Netherlands May 2021

8.1.2020 |

Join the Geotechnical Excursion to the Netherlands!

Due to the Corona virus (Covid-19) causing travel restrictions and a 1.5m distance rule we have made the decision to postpone the excursion, and are planning to have it in May 2021 pending on competing events and the relaxation of travelling.

Most of the visits will take place in the western part of the Netherlands. The program will, with some alterations, remain the same as the projects are ongoing for several years. We will advertise the exact dates and program revision as soon as possible.

The maximum number of participants is 20 for practical reasons.

The excursion is in cooperation with RIL, SGY and RGY as well as with the Dutch sister organisations.

See the full program and details. Also registration.

For more information contact:
Arend Oudman:, tel. 040 187 8496 or
Paul Gerrits:, tel. 040 485 9364