Etusivu » Ajankohtaista » New Committee on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering

New Committee on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering

6.10.2020 | SGY:n tiedotteet ja uutiset

As an SGY committee dedicated to numerical methods was missing – despite the international relevance of such field – the SGY Board decided to establish a new committee Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering.


“I truly believe that this will benefit the geotechnical community in Finland. Further, it can attract students and professionals in developing their numerical skills and stay up-to-date with innovative and advanced calculation methods“, says Marco D’Ignazio, leader of the new committee.


The official language of the committee is English. This is to attract also the non-Finnish speaking members from both industry and Universities.

In terms of goals and activities, the committee should focus on:

  • Promoting the use of numerical methods in geotechnical design
  • Addressing the role of numerical modelling in geotechnical analyses in accordance with design codes
  • Promoting R&D activities within the field of numerical modelling
  • Establishing a relationship with TC103 (ISSMGE)
  • Acting as a networking as well as knowledge-sharing platform for members
  • Inform members by means of a newsletter 2-3 times per year
  • Organizing seminars, workshops and invited lectures


“It is time to use more and more in everyday practice the signature tools of the new generation geotechnical professionals“, concluded Marco D’Ignazio.


More info: marco.dignazio (at)