In SGY there is 11 professional committees or commities focusing on different projects.
- Communication Committee
- The purpose of the Communication Committee is
- To promote the activities of SGY as well as the benefits of being a member of the society.
- To manage the quarterly newsletter to communicate to members the latest news and information on upcoming events.
- To publish the member magazine Geofoor twice a year. Please don’t hesitate to give us your feedback, suggestions for improvement or topic ideas for Geofoor. You can reach us by email:
- The purpose of the Communication Committee is
- Geosynthetic Committee
- Eurocode Committee
- The Eurocode Committee follows the development of relevant international standards and codes, in particular Eurocode 7. The committee follows the drafting process of Eurocode 7 and provides comments through the representative of the Finnish NSB, as well as other relevant channels. Another purpose of the committee is to form a clear picture of the effects of the Eurocode update on Finnish ground engineering. After the Eurocode 7 update has been finalized at the European level, the committee will be involved in drafting the national implementation of the updated Eurocode 7.
- Excavation Committee
- Committee participates in international standardization tasks as Finnish mirror group for TC288 WG19 EN12063.
- Committee promotes safe practices for excavation works in Finland and arranges training courses for designers, contractors and authorities.
- Committee maintains and updates the national guide for excavation design (RIL 263-2014 Kaivanto-ohje).
- Field Investigation Committee
- Committee operates on a field of developing investigation knowledge nationally and taking part of international Nordic co-operation and international standardization tasks. Committee arrange a Field Investigation day every second year. Theme day is pointed to field workers and young designers on geotechnical field.
- Tasks of Field Investigation committee are:
- Developing field of investigation methods and sharing information between different operators
- Holding a certification system for Qualified Technician
- Holding a Infra -format (national format for printing field data)
- Nordic Co-operation
- Theme day for Field workers every second year
- Following CEN – work
- National guidance for Field investigation
- Proceeding use of geophysical methods in Field Investigations
- Sub committee for geotechnical Laboratory
- Frost Committee
- Ground Improvement Committee
- Ground Improvement Committee keeps in touch with domestic and international development in the field and editorializes matters concerning Ground Improvement. Committee follows international development, informs about the national development and comments relevant issues.
- Committee arranges annual Ground Improvement Day mainly for the Finnish audience.
- Ground Improvement Methods: Deep Mixing Method, Mass stabilization, Lightweight Fill Materials, Vertical Drainage, Pre-loading, Stone Columns Ground Treatment by Heavy Tamping / Dynamic compaction or Deep Vibration, Grouting, Jet Grouting, Soil Nailing. IGS-FIN Chapter takes care of matters concerning Geosynthetic Reinforcements.
- Monitoring Committee
- The Monitoring Committee’s remit covers all aspects of geotechnical monitoring. Its core tasks are to participate to international collaboration and standardization work, informing of monitoring in Finland and developing coordination between measurement, monitoring and modeling.
- Organization Committee of the Annual Geotechnical Seminar
- The committee is responsible for organizing the seminar program, the exhibition and other arrangements related to the event. Average 300 persons participate the seminar every year from different fields of the geotechnical industry.
- Piling Committee
- Piling Committee consists of representatives of designers, contractors, public authorities, research institutes and pile manufacturers.
- Piling Committee is involved in the revision of European piling standards and contributes to the training of education establishments and universities in the field of education. The Committee will monitor and support the development and research activities related to the piling, including in relation to BIM.
- School Committee
- The purpose of the School Committee is
- To promote the field of geotechnics and the society amongst students to remedy the lack of geotechnical engineers in the workforce.
- To manage the prefabricated slideshow and other documentation related to promotional visits to schools.
- The purpose of the School Committee is