2nd International Symposium on Geo Test Sites (2nd ISGTS) järjestetään 5.–6.6.2024 Tampereella. Jätäthän abstraktisi 31.7.2024 mennessä osoitteessa https://events.tuni.fi/isgts/call-for-papers/.
Important deadlines
- July 31st, 2024: Abstract (max 300 words)
- September 1st, 2024: Notification of acceptance of abstract
- January 19th, 2025: Full paper submission
- https://www.aimspress.com/aimsgeo/article/6719/special-articles
- April 15th, 2025: Final paper submission
Main topics of the symposium
- Site geology and location, distribution, local and global importance
- Engineering geology, including source of material, depositional environment, postdepositional processes and stress history
- Composition, mineralogy and fabric
- State and index properties
- Engineering properties (strength, stiffness, hydraulic conductivity, etc.)
- Comments on quality/reliability of data, with reference to methods of sampling, laboratory testing and standard in situ testing methods.
- Engineering problems including a summary of typical problems and hazards and with references to case histories
- Examples of large-scale testing at a given benchmark site
- Testing and verification of in situ tools for soil characterization at benchmark test sites
- Use of soil parameter database for modelling and/or correlation purposes
- Use of statistical and/or artificial intelligence methods for site characterization